Rock Creek Wellness


Kansas City’s Premier Wellness and Age Management Center

A trusted staff of skilled professionals assist with both surgical and non-surgical methods designed to improve the signs and symptoms of aging, encouraging total wellness from the inside to the outside.

We’ve all heard the expression “Individual results may vary,” and when you are a patient at Rock Creek Wellness, that is exactly what you hope to receive, given that each individual is offered a custom-made wellness consultation and program provided at reasonable prices and always in the hands of a well-trained professional.

A medically-supervised age management and advanced aesthetics center in Leawood, Kansas, Rock Creek Wellness offers services to treat the whole person, both inside and out. Overseen by the center’s on-site board certified physician and medical director, Dr. Mark Strehlow, patients are assured the best in quality care made readily available through individualized consultation.

Known as “Dr. Mark” to his patients, Dr. Strehlow provides a fully customized age management treatment plan to meet each patient’s specific needs. There is no “one size fits all” modality to which he adheres, and because he approaches each case from a position of proactive care, Dr. Mark focuses on preventing disease and illness through proper nutrition, supplementation, exercise, weight management, and balancing hormones to optimal levels for both men and women.

For more than 14 years, Dr. Mark has been the Medical Director of Rock Creek Wellness and approaches his practice with unwavering enthusiasm. “Watching patients’ health improve dramatically without having to use countless pharmaceuticals has been the most fun I’ve had as a doctor. We offer a healthy practice that is client friendly and supported with great services to produce great results,” he smiled, his genuine transparency both infectious and encouraging.

Dr. Mark originally began his medical career as a family practice physician, but over time came to the realization that he could provide patients superior care when operating from a proactive position.

“In medical school, you are taught about all the diseases and how to treat them,” he indicated, qualifying that approach as reactive medicine. His passions took him down the path of preventative care, which is both an art and a science in equal measure.

Dr. Mark emphasized preventative medicine focuses on correcting those things within us that contribute to disease, and that involves incorporating lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, stress reduction, good sleep hygiene, proper nutrition and hormone balance, complemented by patient-specific approaches through the use of cutting edge preventative care modalities and testing, fully tailored for each patient.

If you desire to maximize your energy, strength, stamina, cognitive thinking, memory and overall quality of life, including enhanced sexual functioning, Dr. Mark incorporates the use of bioidentical hormones into his age management treatments when and where appropriate. And through his Premier Age-Management Program, patients have access to the most comprehensive approach to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). The end result is a better quality of life, perhaps even stretching the years of the glorious afternoon of life even longer. Rock Creek Wellness tops the list of facilities in the metro area offering the most comprehensive age management program in the Midwest.

Also available is the Pellet Therapy program, created for patients desiring quick and affordable access to BHRT. This includes a thorough consultation with Dr. Mark, along with a complete review of the patient’s medical history and current symptoms, partnered with detailed lab work. Tiny hormone pellets are implanted in the upper buttock area via a quick in-office procedure that release hormones slowly over 3-4 months.

For that desired outer beauty, Rock Creek Wellness is a Kansas City med spa that provides an expansive menu of treatments and services, including laser hair removal, chemical peels, micro-needling, HydraFacial MD treatments, hyperpigmentation elimination, dermaplaning, microdermabrasion, NanoFractional radio frequency, Botox, and injectable fillers. This premier wellness center literally has you covered from head to toe, and patients are assured complete professional care in a and friendly environment.

“Everything we do here is overseen by Dr. Mark,” indicated Jonathan Salter, Practice Administrator.

Among the many headliners offered include the ThermiVa Vaginal Rejuvenation, which has received one of the highest national client satisfaction ratings for any aesthetic treatment. If you have given birth to more than one child and/or have put your sexual satisfaction on the back burner or have even experienced symptoms of vaginal laxity, such as dryness, urinary leakage and the decreased ability to have an orgasm, then ThermiVa may be the answer. This technology works to tighten both the labia and internal vaginal areas through the use of controlled thermal energy over a period of several separate treatments. Additionally, the use of radio frequencies with this treatment may even support new collagen production and encourage tissue and nerve healing in the vaginal area.

Not to be overlooked, there is something for the men at Rock Creek Wellness, too! If you would love to improve your bedroom confidence and prowess, then discover GAINSWave Erection Optimization Treatment. Through the use of pulsed sound waves to enhance sexual performance and treat erectile dysfunction, this non-invasive, painless and scientifically proven extracorporeal pulse wave therapy can increase blood flow, encourage tissue growth and assist with tissue repair, ultimately leading to enhanced erectile function and sexual performance.

“We are the only center in the area to offer this treatment,” noted Salter.

If you are struggling with the battle of the bulge and would love  to fit into those skinny jeans for a change, Rock Creek Wellness provides a variety of weight loss solutions, all completely tailored for each patient. These include lipotropic injections, DXA body composition analysis, various easy to follow short-term kits, and a comprehensive injectable hCG program.

“With over a decade of experience utilizing hCG as a successful option for patients to lose stubborn fat and to reset their metabolisms, we understand that each patient is different and requires adjustments to our standard plan to fit their specific needs. As a result, we customize protocols for each individual to ensure success,” emphasized Salter.

“We do not identify a certain caloric limit for our patients; instead, we provide portion suggestions and focus more on what the patient’s diet consists of,” said Salter. “Additionally, we do blood testing as part of our standard hCG protocol to identify other factors and variables that may inhibit the success of the program, such a low thyroid or hormonal imbalance issue.  We also conduct a body composition analysis before and after the program, which is vital to determine the patient’s success.”

And for those who may need a bit more coaching, motivation and encouragement after reaching their goals, Rock Creek Wellness provides lifetime maintenance at no cost in the form of consultations, such as providing dietary guidelines to patients.

Experts on premier skin care, too, Rock Creek Wellness promotes superior Kansas City medspa services and products designed for outstanding results, including Image Skincare, Epionce, ReFissa, and Regenica®. Additional age management products include IsaGenesis from Isagenix for telomere support, Emerson Ecologics, Ortho Molecular Products and Life Extension.

“We only provide highly vetted, effective and top quality products to our patients,” expressed Salter. “If we wouldn’t use it ourselves or have our family members use it, we won’t offer it to our patients.”

As a way of introducing people to the center, Rock Creek Wellness hosts a discounted cosmetic injectables event every third Thursday which is open to the public from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Interested individuals can schedule online through the center’s website.

For more information on achieving your optimum inner and outer wellness, contact us!

5401 College Boulevard, Suite 203, Leawood, Kansas

913.727.7700     |


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