Spotlighting medical practices
in nearly every arm of medicine!

  • Top Orthopaedic Center

    Story by Ann E. Butenas This growing center is recognized as a Center of Excellence in Total Joint Replacement for Knees, Hips and Shoulders. University Health Lakewood Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center is a distinguished center known for its exceptional reputation in orthopaedic surgery. It is notably recognized for its expertise in total joint replacement procedures for knees, hips, and ...
  • Michael M. Hall, MD

    Story by Jeanie Edgmon Fulfilling a Vision Hand surgery may not immediately come to mind when thinking of life-changing procedures, but those who need orthopedic surgery understand its monumental nature, capable of restoring function, enhancing appearance, reducing pain, and improving quality of life. For Dr. Michael M. Hall, the upper extremity is more than just flesh and bone. It’s a ...
  • Nathan J. Kiewiet, MD

    Story by Lynne Hayes Leading the Charge – Resolving Foot and Ankle Issues For all the punishment we put them through every day, our feet and ankles just don’t get the respect or attention they deserve. That is, until something goes wrong. Sprains, strains, fractures, arthritis, fallen arches, deformities…when severe pain hits your foot or ankle, even a short walk ...
  • Brandon L. Barnds, MD

    Story by Jeanie Edgmon Setbacks to Victories  Advancing Orthopedic Care and  Sports Medicine During an intense game, the last thing an athlete wants is an injury. Yet, when these inevitable setbacks occur, athletes in Kansas City know they are in good hands with Dr. Brandon Barnds. As an Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine Physician at Kansas City Bone & Joint ...
  • A Small Practice Focused on WOMEN in a Big Way

    Story by Lynne Hayes Women see many Physicians throughout their lives, but the relationship they have with their OB/GYN is, well, something unique. Research supports this fact. One independent poll showed that 61 percent of women are more likely to be open and honest with their OB/GYN than with their general practitioner. Living up that high standard of trust and ...
  • Emsella™: A Revolutionary Non-Invasive Treatment for Urinary Incontinence

    Story by Courtney Burwell Urinary incontinence is a common condition affecting both men and women, many women who have given birth, those experiencing menopause, and older adults. Traditional treatments include pelvic floor exercises, lifestyle changes, and in some cases, surgery. Dan Margolin, MD owner of Physician Aesthetic Specialists offers a newer, non-invasive option called Emsella™ that is proving to be ...
  • July is SARCOMA Awareness

    Story by Sarcoma Foundation of America A cancer diagnosis is never easy. Rare cancers like sarcoma, however, bring additional challenges. Many people haven’t even heardof sarcoma until they are diagnosed. The story of Mike Cacioppo, who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in October 2021, illustrates some of the obstacles and challenges people living with sarcoma face and why we need to ...
  • Tailored Multi-Trauma Recovery Solutions

    Story by Ann E. Butenas At MidAmerica Rehabilitation Hospital, personalized care guides patients to successful rehabilitation and return to home. Located in Overland Park, Kansas, MidAmerica Rehabilitation Hospital boasts a top-of-the-line facility and a team of experienced professionals dedicated to aiding patients in their recovery from multi-trauma injuries, accidents, and illnesses. With personalized rehabilitation programs designed to help individuals reach ...
  • STAY SUN SAFE: A Guide to UV Safety Awareness

    Story by Ciara Sophia As summer approaches and the days grow hotter, millions of people head outdoors to enjoy the warmth and sunshine. Whether it’s a day at the beach, a hike in the mountains, or simply a backyard barbecue, the allure of the sunny weather can be irresistible. However, with the sun’s rays comes an invisible danger: ultraviolet (UV) ...
  • Chicken S#!T For Charity

    Story by Dave Eckert It’s called Chicken S#!T Bingo, and you will find it happening every week as part of Whiskey Tango Friday night’s at Char Bar in Westport. I’ll admit it’s more than a little crude, but it’s both fun and profitable. And, the best part of Chicken S#!T Bingo is that half of the profits benefit a local ...

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