University Health Women’s Care

Uniquely Helping Women through All Phases of Life
University Health Women’s Care offers patients a broad range of services spanning the spectrum of obstetrics, gynecology, urogynecology, hormones and aging issues with a uniquely personal touch.
Being the best is often associated with being number one. Being unique is even better, as it means you are one-of-a-kind. University Health Women’s Care in Lee’s Summit fully understands these philosophies, as they continually strive to deliver the highest quality in medical care and technology while simultaneously delivering an expansive menu of services that cater to all facets of a woman’s life, meeting the needs and expectations of a growing community. That makes them the choice for patients in the Eastern Jackson County area and beyond, as well as a highly-respected place for patients to receive medical care uniquely tailored to their individual needs.
Laura B. Doan, MD, FACOG – OB/GYN
With roots three decades strong, this new Lee’s Summit OB/GYN practice opened in March 2017 and expanded in early 2018 by selectively adding three additional OB/GYN specialists and has quickly accelerated to prominence with its keen focus on providing excellence in patient care. With a diverse team of skilled and compassionate medical providers, women of all ages and stages of life can achieve optimum health through the practice’s specialized gynecological and obstetrical care. These clinicians understand there is no one like you and realize as you age, so do your healthcare needs. University Women’s Health Care is ready to walk throughout life with you as you travel through every stage of your life.
Obstetrical Services
The patient base at University Health Women’s Care (UHWC) represents three generations of patients, all of whom now receive care in one newly-expanded practice. And while the combined practice is relatively new, the experience it provides is as deep as it is wide. The collaboration only served to strengthen the expertise of its staff. In addition to the three original OB/GYN physicians and a nurse midwife, three more physicians were added to the team, along with a Urogynecologist, an additional nurse midwife and a Nurse Practitioner who is also a nurse midwife. All physicians are Board-Certified OB/GYNs and are certified in robotics assisted surgery. Many train future OB/GYN specialists, which is somewhat unique in a private practice model.
“We truly believe we can be a health care partner for life by offering the expertise and personalized care that our patients expect,” said Dr. Dawn Steiner, Medical Director for UHWC. “Our new OB/GYN group combined these two established practices, and the careful recruitment of additional providers is driving growth quickly. We’ll continue to expand the practice to meet the needs of our patients and the communities we serve, but we look for just the right match. Our Nurse Midwives and Board Certified OB/GYNs practice collaboratively, recognizing that not all new moms are looking for the same approach. The collaboration provides seamless care for our pre-natal patients, just in case the ‘routine, low risk’ pregnancy shifts to a higher risk designation.”
Left to right… Traci Johnson, MD – OB/GYN and Dawn Steiner, MD – OB/GYN
The collaborative approach not only offers patients a wide range of services, including pre-natal care, gynecological care, well-woman care and urogynecology, but it also gives patients access to other specialty services through the Truman Medical Centers/University Health System. From head to toe, patients can readily find a physician to meet their needs. Further, all of the physicians practicing here have admitting privileges at TMC Lakewood or deliver at Lakewood Family Birthplace and all are committed to evidence-based medicine.
One of the most defining aspects of this practice is its attention on each patient as a unique individual with a focus on providing a highly exceptional experience for the new mom and family. From the choice of a birth plan to delivery in the spacious and luxurious LDRP rooms at Lakewood Family Birthplace, every step of the new mom’s journey is thoughtfully attended. Pre-natal care at UHWC offers expanded labor options, including Midwifery, allowing patients to determine a personalized course. Communication and collaboration are key to success, from the patient’s first visit through delivery. UHWC Obstetricians also rotate as Laborists at Lakewood Family Birthplace.
“With five OBs we have successfully implemented a Laborist program, and one of us is available at all times to provide immediate access for triage, OB emergencies, or even some GYN emergencies,” indicated Dr. Traci Johnson, Medical Director of Lakewood Family Birthplace. “This positively impacts patient safety and can have a significant impact on the patient’s birth experience and satisfaction of all Lakewood Family Birthplace patients, not just ours.”
Creating a family-centered experience for patients is an integral part of the philosophy carried out by these providers.
“We’re partners with the hospital staff in planning for the future,” noted Dr. Johnson. “That means technology, staffing expertise and culture must ensure the best possible outcome and experience for our patients.”
Dr. Johnson’s expertise is shared with the community through her participation in the State of Missouri’s Pregnancy Associated Mortality Review (PAMR) group, which identifies ways in which to reduce infant mortality rates statewide.
Convenient lunchtime appointments are available, as well as same-day appointments and obstetrical care is also available for low and high-risk pregnancies. The availability of on-site fetal non-stress tests and ultra-sound is an added convenience.
Sarah Sudduth, MD and robotic surgical team
Gynecological and Urognynecological Services
Dr. Peter Greenspan, an OB/GYN for 33 years focuses much of his practice on Gynecology. Dr. Greenspan, an Associate Professor, Vice Chair, and Associate Program Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UMKC School of Medicine practices at University Health Women’s Care.
Despite describing himself as “old-school,” Dr. Greenspan encouraged TMC Lakewood to acquire a robotics system five years ago to expand the scope of minimally invasive procedures done at the hospital. He would performed upwards of 3000 laparoscopic surgeries over the years and really did not intend to use the system himself. But, after undergoing training on the system, he realized the benefits and now uses it for his patients.
“We approach every patient individually to determine what is the most appropriate surgical option for that person,” noted Dr. Greenspan. “Whenever feasible, minimally invasive surgeries are chosen for the benefits of much smaller incisions, less blood loss and infection risk, and usually, more rapid recovery and return to the activities of daily living, including employment. There are several minimally invasive options, of which the da Vinci® robotic system is one. We explain to our patients, of course, that the surgery is performed by the surgeon, only using the robotic technology to assist in the procedure. In other words, robotic surgeries are simply computer-assisted operations performed by the surgeon, using a console to direct the movements of the instruments. The more traditional minimally invasive operations use the same instruments but are guided by the surgeons’ hands without computer assistance. Also, we perform vaginal hysterectomies, which are considered ‘natural orifice’ procedures, which is fact, are also minimally invasive and don’t require an incision on the patient’s abdomen. Minimally invasive surgery in all of the surgical specialties is in its infancy and the future holds great promise for even more and more procedures that require large incisions, etc., to be performed with this technology.”
UHWC also has on staff a specialist with experience in urogynecology, a subspecialty of obstetrics and gynecology that involves the evaluation and treatment of conditions affecting the pelvic floor. It has been reported one in three women will experience a pelvic floor disorder during her lifetime. These can result from childbirth and/or other medical conditions that can weaken the pelvic floor muscles. As a result, symptoms may include urinary or fecal incontinence, overactive bladder or other pelvic floor issues.
Dr. Kent Burk, who relocated his practice to TMC and UHWC several years ago, is certified in both Obstetrics and Gynecology and Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, which is his main specialty. Using his expertise coupled with certain diagnostic equipment and therapeutic options, most cases can be cured or at least realize a significant reduction in symptoms. Depending on patient needs, Dr. Burk may recommend noninvasive therapy or an outpatient surgical procedure. Appropriate treatment is based on individual needs.
Deb Bersano, Certified Nurse Midwife, APRN
Offering experienced hands with a compassionate heart
While childbirth is a natural process, it can also be quite painful and exhausting. Delivering a baby comes with a variety of physiological and psychological elements – pain, mental stress, potential for injury, and in rare cases, death. However, a woman’s fears can be mitigated with the help and personal support of a midwife through one-on-one care throughout labor and delivery, alleviating some of the anxieties that go along with the whole experience and increasing a patient’s sense of calm and self-confidence.
Deb Bersano, APRN and Certified Nurse Midwife, is one such provider at University Health Women’s Care and Lakewood Family Birthplace who provides this continuum of care, establishing a relationship with the patient, beginning prenatally and extending postpartum, focusing on positive delivery outcomes. Not to be confused with a physician, however, Bersano does not conduct surgeries or perform C-sections.
“As a certified nurse midwife, I do have extra training of course in delivering babies, but I’m not a physician,” she said, emphasizing her job is to partner with the patient and keep interventions to a minimum.
“I always ask my patients, ‘What do you want? It’s your baby. It’s your body. I’m just here to make sure you have a safe delivery and that we have a healthy mom and a healthy baby,’” noted Bersano.
There is no shortage of evidence supporting Bersano’s compassionate and experienced approach to her patients. Her calm, confident and reassuring presence has gained her accolades among patients. Since 2001, Bersano has worked with approximately 2,500 patients, every one of whom has been the beneficiary of her commitment to excellence and the safest delivery experience possible.
As a former labor and delivery nurse for many years, Bersano understands having a baby is not without risks, and that is why she prefers to offer her services in a clinical setting as opposed to any other type of environment.
“I don’t do any home deliveries,” she indicated. “Even with the best of care, and with no risk factors, things can happen. I want my patients to have the safest delivery possible, and I feel like that’s in a hospital.”
Blessed to work with a group of amazing physicians, Bersano believes it is best to always have a physician on call, as she truly does care about her patients and wants them to have the best care available. Bersano also feels blessed to work at TMC Lakewood. She appreciates working with physicians who are “very good human beings who are all about patient care.”
Bersano assures patients she will be available to them for questions or moral support.
“They know when they call or when they come in labor, I am going to be there,” smiled Bersano.
As for the type of ambiance in which Bersano prefers to work while a patient is delivering a baby, she prefers it quiet in the room, but maintains an open and non-judgmental mind towards what the patient desires.
“It should be how you want it,” she explained, indicating current trends call for essential oils, music and low lighting. “If you want to have your own music, that’s great. If you don’t want pain medicine, we’re going to do everything we can to keep you from having pain medicine. If you want an epidural, that’s okay. There is no judgment. Let’s make it the best experience for you.”
Bersano is fairly flexible with birth plans but does employ certain restrictions.
“I require an IV access,” she stated. “You don’t have to be ‘hooked up’ to an IV, but you do need a saline lock. We will also do intermittent monitoring of fetal heart tones until (the patient) is actually pushing. Circumcision is done by our pediatric staff, but I do talk with patients about the pros and cons. It is a personal decision.”
Bersano also champions alternate forms of pain control, such as hypnobirthing, a self-hypnosis process geared towards reducing pain.
“I love hypnobirthing and have several patients who are using it, and I also use the standard IV medication or epidural if they want. My philosophy really is it’s their baby and their pregnancy,” reflected Bersano. “As long as it is a safe practice, then I am pretty flexible about what my patients do.”
Obstetrical & Gynecological Services
The medical staff at University Health Women’s Care is committed to providing the highest level of patient care for women throughout their adolescent, childbearing, midlife and senior adult years. This new medical practice, located in Lee’s Summit, offers the expertise of Board Certified OB/Gyn specialists in a neighborhood setting. All visits are appointment-based.
Services Offered
- General OB/GYN Care
- Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgical Care
- Complex Obstetrical Care
- Contraception
- Adolescent and Teen OB/GYN Care
- Management and Treatment of Cervical Dysplasia, Benign Ovarian Masses &, Uterine Fibroids
- Urogynecology includes Urodynamics, Cystoscopy, Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation, Botox of the Bladder, InterStim for overactive bladder. Surgical procedures include Incontinence surgery, Rectocele and Cystocele Repair, Vaginal Vault Suspension, and Augmented Repairs.
Lakewood Family Birthplace: The Family-Friendly Hospital
When it opened its doors in 2011, the Lakewood Family Birthplace offered parents access to a true labor, delivery, recovery and post-partum (LDRP) birthing room. As a result, new moms do not have to transition from one room to another, and can enjoy the flexibility of delivering and recovering in the same upscale room throughout their stay.
This 19,290 square foot facility boasts 19 private rooms, and new moms can choose between the traditional delivery bed or opt for a comfortable queen-sized Murphy bed for a home-like ambiance after delivery. Additionally, patients can enjoy the four-bed private triage area for early stages of labor; jetted tubs for early labor, and the convenience of Wi-fi.
Even though Lakewood Family Birthplace offers patients and their families a welcoming and relaxing experience, it still maintains a high commitment to patient safety and care with two dedicated operating rooms for C-Sections and a five-bed Level II NICU supported by a partnership with Children’s Mercy Hospital. As an added benefit, all University Health Women’s Care providers deliver babies exclusively at this facility.
Education is an integral part of the broad range of services provided, as well, and Lakewood Family Birthplace offers classes in childbirth education, breastfeeding and newborn care. Lactation consultants are also on-site, and patients can participate in peer group classes for breastfeeding.
To further set itself apart as a leader in birthplace facilities, TMC Lakewood has earned the Baby-Friendly Hospital Designation from Baby-Friendly USA. This world-wide program, sponsored by the WHO/UNICEF, was developed to recognize and encourage hospitals which offer optimal levels of care for infant feeding, and certifies that the hospital follows evidence-based protocols of The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, which support mothers and babies in breastfeeding.
Leading the nursing staff at Lakewood Family Birthplace is Samantha Collinson, Director of Perinatal Services, MSN, APRN, CNM. As a Certified Nurse Midwife, Collinson has a unique perspective as the administrator of this team.
“Our approach to care is the distinctive advantage we offer new moms,” she emphasized. “While Lakewood Family Birthplace is blessed with a beautiful space and LDRP suites, our nurses and providers truly care about patients and families. We know this is one of the most important and memorable moments for a mother and her family and we are thankful to be a part of it.”
Collinson emphasized the group’s commitment to quality and safety, as evidenced not only in patient outcomes but also in the experiences of the patients.
“Patients are telling their neighbors and friends about the outstanding care they received at Lakewood Family Birthplace,” noted Collinson. “Additionally, our collaborative care approach with nursing, obstetrics, midwives, and Family Medicine physicians give us a unique culture that patients enjoy. Patients return to deliver second or third babies.”
In addition to her role at TMC Lakewood, Collinson serves as the Community Co-Chair of the Birth Outcomes Monitoring Committee for the city of Kansas City, Missouri.
University Health Women’s Care
3450 NE Ralph Powell Road, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064
Lakewood Family Birthplace
7900 Lee’s Summit Rd, Kansas City, MO 64139
816-404-2170 |